Community Impact

Community Impact

Collective Impact - Our Transormational Journey

A diagram of moving from isolated impact to collective impact

In 2019, United Way Leeds & Grenville began transitioning to a collective impact model from an isolated impact model. Through meaningful collaboration and community engagement, United Way Leeds & Grenville has continued to embrace the collective impact model throughout 2023. We have successfully completed the first two columns in this chart. In 2024, we will begin work in the last column, creating vision and measurements on collective impact in Leeds & Grenville with our funded agencies.

Community Conversations Project 2023

As part of the Community Impact Agenda, United Way Leeds & Grenville held Community Conversations throughout 2023 with over 371 individuals in attendance. Citizens of all ages, including youth and seniors, provided their opinions on the Strengths, Challenges and Desired Future for their communities.


This project is the next step in the evolution of the Community Impact agenda and will guide and support the future direction and focus for United Way Leeds & Grenville. Collective Impact, brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change. Using this framework allows United Way to approach old and complex problems in a new way by leveraging likely and unlikely partnerships to change the conditions in our community. Collective Impact is a network of community members, organizations, and institutions who advance equity by learning together, aligning, and integrating their actions to achieve population and systems level change. 

Community Impact Reports

Community Conversations Reports

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