Urgent Needs Fund

The logo for the urgent needs fund is a united way logo.

United Way Leeds & Grenville Urgent Needs Fund 2024

Providing financial support to households at-risk of homelessness due to poverty, who have emergency or time-sensitive urgent needs that cannot be filled by other available community supports.


United Way Leeds & Grenville Urgent Needs Fund: Overview

Over the last year, we held Community Conversations and identified a number of needs in Leeds & Grenville. The Survey done in the Fall of 2022 identified the top issues in our community as Housing and Homelessness. In 2023 the 11 Community Conversations with 371 people, housing and homelessness were identified often.

To address this need from a prevention perspective, United Way Leeds & Grenville is launching an
URGENT NEEDS FUND. The URGENT NEEDS FUND is available to people in Leeds & Grenville who are at risk of homelessness due to an extraordinary cost that would leave the person or family at risk of not being able to pay their rent or mortgage that month. The program offers emergency financial assistance with modest one-time grants to address this extraordinary cost such as winter furnace repair or a car battery for a vehicle that is required to access or maintain employment. This extra cost may cause that family to be at risk of homelessness, which ultimately increases the numbers requiring shelter accommodation or looking for subsidized housing. This experience is devastating and disruptive for the family. URGENT NEEDS FUND does not however, cover housing payments or arrears.

We are following a proven model from United Way Simcoe Muskoka as our guideline, where they assisted almost 1,800 individuals through their pilot project, as well as our own experience with the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program. United Way Leeds & Grenville will be investing 5% of our available campaign dollars in 2024 into this fund for one-time disbursement to families.


How to Apply:

Please call United Way at 613-342-8889 and ask for the Urgent Needs Fund.

How to Help:

If you want to be there for the most vulnerable in Leeds and Grenville there are several ways you can support the Urgent Needs Fund: 

Donate: Support the UNF by donating - select "Urgent Needs Fund" in the drop down menu. 

Spread the Word: Let other organizations, companies and community tables know about the Urgent Needs Fund.

Provide a Grant: If your organization or one you know of can provide a grant, contact us at info@uwlg.org

How is the UNF funded?

  1. The availability of funding for the Individual Urgent Needs Fund will be based on funds raised through the annual campaign, or from grant applications and individual donors who directly donate to the Urgent Needs Fund. These funds will vary from year to year. 
  2. The Urgent Needs Fund will be funded by UWLG to a maximum of $100,000.00 annually from all revenue sources. 
  3. Once Urgent Needs Fund has received $100,000.00, in a calendar year, any additional donations directed to Urgent Needs will automatically be directed to our general campaign fund. 

Questions and Answers:

Q.   What is the Urgent Needs Fund?

A. Urgent Needs Fund provides financial support to households at-risk of homelessness due to poverty, who have emergency or time sensitive urgent need that cannot be filled by other available community supports. This fund is intended for expenses that are over and above everyday expected life costs.

Q. What kind of expenses are eligible?

A. Eligible expenses may include, but are not limited to, the following items:

  • Unexpected urgent household repairs and expenses.
  • Social integration to maintain employment.
  • Special diet requirements (non-recipients of Ontario works or Ontario Disability, as they have a special diet allowance available).
  • Unexpected expenses to maintain employment. 

Q. Who is eligible for funding?

A. To be eligible for funding, applicants must:

1)     Live in Ontario.

2)     Have a Canadian bank account.

3)     Be 18 years of age or older.

4)     If recipient of Ontario Works or Ontario Disability, must have requested help and been denied by the United Counties Leeds & Grenville (UCLG). The Fund Administrator or UWLG may confirm this with your worker from UCLG.


Q.   How do I access this funding?

 A.    Discuss with an agency partner that you are working with and call the Volunteer Centre St. Lawrence-Rideau at 613-499-9393.


Q.   Do I need a referral from another agency to access funding?

 A.    Referrals are not necessary as we want agencies to send people our way. We may follow up with the referring agency. We will be asking who they were sent by.


Q.   What kind of personal and financial information do I have to provide?

 A.    Proof of household income (e.g., 30-day bank statement, previous tax return, last pay stub, financial trustee, letter from employer indicating lay off, OSAP payment, account tuition fees).


Q.   Do I have to provide identification?

 A.    Yes (birth certificate, healthcard, driver’s license, Indian Status Card, valid passport).


Q.   What do I do if I do not have any identification?

 A.    Have a worker from a partner agency contact us on your behalf at the Volunteer Centre St. Lawrence-Rideau at 613-499-9393


Q.   What is accepted as identification?

 A.    A birth certificate, healthcard, driver’s license, Indian Status Card, and valid passport are acceptable.


Q.   Will my privacy be protected?           

 A.    Yes, United Way Leeds & Grenville and the Volunteer Centre St. Lawrence -Rideau are committed to protecting your privacy. People from whom we collect such information expect that it will be carefully protected and that any use of this information is subject toconsent. We maintain appropriate procedures to ensure that personal information in our possession is accurate and up to date.Privacy Policy (uwlg.org) ;Volunteer Centre of St. Lawrence - Rideau


Q.   Do I need a referral to access funding?

 A.    It is preferred if you are referred from a partner agency but will accept direct application.


Q.    Can I get this funding more than one time?

 A.    No. Funding is available once per calendar year and not within 6 months of another application.


Q.   Do I have to pay this money back?

 A.    No. The money does not need to be repaid.


Q.   Do I have to pay the vendor up front, or can Urgent Needs pay the vendor directly?

 A.    Urgent Needs prefers to pay the vendor directly on your behalf.


Q.   What if I do not have a bank account?

 A.    A Canadian bank account is a requirement.


Q.   What if I receive ODSP or OW will I still be eligible for Urgent Needs Fund?

 A.    If you receive OW or ODSP contact the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville Community and Social Services Department 1-800-770-2170. If they are unable to help, then you may apply to the Urgent Needs Fund. We may call your worker.


Q.   What is the usual processing time if approved for funding?

 A.    Processing time will take about 1 week for approval with electronic transmission of funds after. If payment is required by cheque, processing time will take longer. This is not a guarantee and may take longer.


Q.   Do I have to claim this amount anywhere on my tax return?

 A.    No this is not considered income and does not need to be claimed.


Q. Can each member of my household qualify?

 A. No, it is once per year per household.


The Urgent Needs Fund is new to UWLG, and we recognize this program may change and adjust, we reserve the right to change guidelines at any time. We also reserve the right to deny any application. 

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