Please help our Y2Y Board fundraise!
The United Way Youth 2 Youth board is a youth-driven committee that represents the voices of young people in Leeds & Grenville. The Board fundraises yearly to raise money to allocate to youth programs in Leeds & Grenville. This fundraiser's proceeds will fund our grants for youth programming in 2024.
The Y2Y Board is selling O'Mally Kourt Fudgery Fudge. There are 18 flavours to choose from, and the fudge is $12 per half pound. Follow the link below to download the order form from our website.
Deadline to order: March 18, 12pm
Pick up date: March 25, 12-3:30pm, March 26-28, 8-3:30
Pick up location: 42 George St., Brockville
How to order: Call 613-342-8889
*all orders must be prepaid